GE9X Aircraft Engine (Reader Response Draft 3)

The GE Aerospace website (n.d) states that the GE9X is the “largest and most powerful commercial aircraft engine ever built, incorporating advanced technologies that enable more efficient, quieter flight with fewer emissions”.

The engine, created to propel the new twin-engine 777X aircraft, is the most fuel-efficient of its class. It boasts a staggering 134,300 pounds of thrust. That is 6,400 pounds more than its predecessor, the GE90-115B. Even though it produces more power, the GE9X is designed to achieve 10% lower specific fuel consumption (SFC) as compared to the GE90-115B and 5% better SFC than any engine in its class (GE9X Engine Achieves FAA Certification | GE Aerospace, n.d.). The GE9X boasts 16 fan blades. All of which, were made from carbon fiber. According to GE Aerospace, the fewer fan blades the GE9X possesses boasts the most efficient fan to increase performance and decrease fuel burn (GE9X High Bypass Turbofan | GE Aerospace, n.d.). With all these advanced features, the GE9X is also massive in terms of its size, boasting a diameter of 3.4 meters. It is so large that it can fit a whole Boeing 737 fuselage inside (Adams, 2016). These engines were so large and powerful for one reason only. To power the largest twin-engine aircraft ever produced, the Boeing 777X (777X, n.d.). More specifically the 777-9. With larger engines fitted on the aircraft, it can fly further than any other aircraft currently operating. Its predecessor, the Boeing 777-300ER, can fly up to 7,825 nautical miles. The 777-300ER is fitted with the GE90-115B. The aircraft can operate for up to 15 hours between long-haul destinations between Singapore-London and Paris-Los Angeles (Akanksha, 2020).

Overall, the GE9X engine's advancements make air travel more economical, dependable, and environmentally friendly while also providing airlines with new opportunities to grow their business and enhance the customer experience.

One enhanced feature of the General Electric GE9X engine is its high bypass ratio. The bypass ratio of an aircraft turbofan engine is the ratio between the mass flow rate of air bypassing the core to the mass flow rate entering the core. While the GE90 has a bypass ratio of 7.2:1, the GE9X has a higher bypass ratio, of 10:1. This means that for every 10 kg of air that bypasses the core, 1 kg of air enters the core which is used for combustion. High bypass turbofans are much more efficient because they consume less fuel and in turn, fewer emissions are emitted and are better for the environment (Low Vs High Bypass Turbofan Engines: What’s the Difference? | Blog- Monroe Aerospace, n.d.).

Another feature of the GE9X is its use of 3D-printed Ceramic matrix composites (CMC). The GE9X consists of about 300 3D-printed parts. Some examples of these parts are the fuel nozzles, turbine blades and heat exchangers. These parts experience high amounts of heat during operation and therefore, require to be made of materials that have high operating temperatures. The material used to create these parts is called CMC. According to Daugherty (2015), CMCs allow jet engines to run at higher temperatures, about 150 degrees Celsius more, and more efficiently than ever before. CMCs also weigh 66.6% less than metal alloys, which were used in older engines. All of these factors allow for far less air cooling required to cool the components, and in turn, the air can be used in the engine’s combustion. This allows for better engine performance, durability and fuel economy. 

Despite the GE9X being the most technologically advanced engine to date, there still come drawbacks following its maintenance complexities. With current aircraft engines not utilizing the 3D-printed parts that are used in the GE9X, aircraft maintenance companies will find it an issue to attain replacement parts soon enough for the engine to be back in service. Moreover, maintenance personnel will need to undergo more training and certification to maintain and install these components, raising worries about the availability of skilled technicians and the costs that follow training and recertification programs. 

All in all, the GE9X is an attestation to the pinnacle of engineering in the aerospace industry. Its use of state-of-the-art technologies such as composite materials and an increased bypass ratio allows it to play a crucial role in minimizing fuel burn, and environmental impact. At the same time, possessing enhanced performance with increased reliability and durability. As aviation progressively evolves at a faster rate than ever, the GE9X serves as a beacon of an engineering marvel, driving the industry to a sustainable future. 


1: Peer Feedback

2: Thesis Added

3: Professor Blackstone’s feedback


1. GE9X High bypass turbofan | GE Aerospace. (n.d.).

2. GE9X engine achieves FAA certification | GE Aerospace. (n.d.).

3. Adams, E. (2016, April 28). The world’s hugest jet engine is wider than a 737’s fuselage. WIRED

4. 777X. (n.d.).

5. Akanksha. (2020, January 23). The top 10 longest range airliners in the worldAerospace Technology.

6. Low vs High Bypass Turbofan Engines: What’s the Difference? | Blog- Monroe Aerospace. (n.d.).,go%20around%20or%20%E2%80%9Cbypass%E2%80%9D%20the%20turbofan%E2%80%99s%20combustion%20chamber.

7. Daugherty, G. (2015, October 12). GE Aviation is fired up about CMCs! - The GE Aerospace Blog | Aviation & Flight News. The GE Aerospace Blog | Aviation & Flight News.


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